Baby Safety Network

Awareness + Information + Discussion = Ability to make informed decisions

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About this Platform

Baby safety has become hot-button issue in the recent years. It is one that concerns all of us. The Baby Safety Network is an initiative meant to provide an interactive forum for informed debate on baby safety issues – be it sleep, play or elsewhere. In due time, it is also meant to serve as a source of reliable information, for parents by bringing together a community of experts from academia, the industry and families.

The Baby Safety Network is an online platform to discuss and promote safe sleep environments for babies.

The articles on this site are written and produced by our authors through real-life experiences, interviews with people from the community and information from available scientific studies and research.

The information presented on this site does not constitute advise – medical or otherwise. Nor is the accuracy of information guaranteed. Please read our Disclaimers before proceeding to use this site.

About the DOM Family

The DOM Family is owned and operated by a team of highly talented and industry experienced executives (Moms & Dads) with young mind-sets. Having been in business for nearly 3 decades, they work relentlessly in pursuit of excellence for families. Their motto has always been:
Families = you+us.
They innovate, design, develop and manufacture baby products that Moms love and families trust.

The DOM Family are agents of transformation in a tough world with an aim to give your babies the best possible start in life.