
How to choose a Safe Crib

2024-07-24T14:46:53+00:00September 21st, 2018|Tags: , , |

This might seem rhetorical, but it really isn't. How do you choose a safe crib for your baby? SAFE is the operative word here. And this particular little 4-lettered word should always drive your choices in picking up anything for your little one. Especially a product that your baby is going to spend most [...]

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Playards Safety – Dos and Don’ts

2024-07-24T14:48:19+00:00July 6th, 2018|Tags: , , , , |

Safety first. Everything else, next. Our moms probably used them for us. Back then, they were called playpens. Nowadays, we like to call them playards. Whatever be the name, playards can be extraordinarily convenient when you want to keep your baby safe while get a few things done. But there is a caveat. Of [...]

Tips for a healthy, safe pregnancy

2024-07-24T14:48:59+00:00March 9th, 2018|

Of course, we all know that it's always a good idea to maintain a healthy lifestyle - eat well, sleep well, exercise, minimize stress, stay positive and much more of the same. But this becomes of paramount concern when you are pregnant or are planning for a pregnancy. Pregnancy is a life-changing event. While [...]

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Baby toys and how to choose them

2024-07-24T14:49:52+00:00April 10th, 2017|Tags: , , , |

Just because they're toys, it doesn't mean they are all safe! Well duh! Of course not. That's just stating the obvious. We all know this. With the millions and millions of toys and games inundating the marketplace, it is inevitable that a lot of nasties are lurking there. But how often do we [...]

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Playmat vs Playpen

2018-07-09T16:27:39+00:00February 19th, 2017|

Not very long ago, a friend, who is a first time mom, wanted to know if she should get a playmat or a playpen or both. That got me thinking - is one necessarily better than the other? Or do both have their specific uses and benefits? Well, in the end, Anne, of course, [...]